Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We did it!!! WE'RE GOING TO WORLD FESTIVAL!!!! We got 1st place at the State Championship, which means we get to go compete with teams from AROUND THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!! World Festival is April 27 through 30, 2011, in St Louis Missouri.

We're EXCITED!!!!
~Calvin and Jarren-


Mrs. Coach said...

Legos in Paradise,

Great job at the State Tournament this year. You are going to have a blast in St. Louis. Make sure you sign up early for the talent show if they have it again this year. It was our favorite part last year in Atlanta. You guys are going to do great. Keep posting to all of us and good luck!

Robo Hippies

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm sure we are going to have a ton of fun! We will be sure to check into the talent show, that is if we can figure out what to do. What would you guys suggest?

Calvin said...

Thanks!! Our coaches volunteered last year and also said it was cool and that we should do something. We will keep posting, and thanks again!